Your councillors have the power to scrap First Past the Post for Welsh councils. Will you ask them to move to a fairer, improved way to elect your council?

Gorsaf Bleidleisio Polling Station

Welsh councils have a voting system that doesn’t accurately represent how we vote, and seats in your council chamber do not match the number of votes parties receive. How can we tell them our priorities when our votes don’t make a difference?

Your councillors have the power to scrap First Past the Post and move to the Single Transferable Vote (STV) – a fairer, improved way for us to choose our local representatives - that's been used successfully in Scotland for over a decade.

Ask your councillors to support the change >>

Use our tool to write to your local councillors.

First, enter your address to find their details.

We don’t just want fairly elected councils in Wales – we want people to have a say over our entire democracy.

But we need you on board to help make sure every voice is heard. Click ‘Yes’ and we’ll email you with crucial actions you can take to win reform across the UK.

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