The last government snuck in a change to the way we elect our Mayors. Now, under First Past the Post, you have less choice and a weaker voice.

Image credit: Tim Green, Flickr, CC BY 2.0 DEED 

Up until the last set of Mayoral elections, Mayors had always been elected using the Supplementary Vote. This meant voters could choose a second choice as a backup candidate.

Under the previous system, people could have a say in who the mayor will be. But this isn't the case any more.

The last Government snuck in a clause to impose First Past the Post on Mayoral elections as they rushed through the Elections Act in 2022.

There was no formal public consultation on the bill as a whole, voters had no say in the changes.

We should be getting more people involved in our democracy, not putting up barriers to taking part - or taking away voters' ability to express who they want as mayor.

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"Imposing First Past the Post was a step backwards for democracy. The damage needs to be repaired."

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